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Our Vision

That everyone has the opportunity to continue their learning in Motivational Interviewing (MI).

Our Mission

To ensure a high-quality level of MI is practice, be open to all professions, and encourage partcipation.

Our Values

We are Friendly, Encouraging, Ensure High Quality and we Inspire Confidence in your team

Your Team

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John Russell

Lead Trainer for MI in London

John is an MI Trainer and MINT Member working for the Charity Mind. Previously working in the private sector and later the public sector for the NHS, John is passionate about MI, behaviour change and cups of tea.

Alison Bard

Co-Trainer at MI in London

Ali is a Member of MINT and currently working at Bristol University in Clinical Veterinary where she is developing training in veterinary communication. Ali has a passion for all things animal related, especially cows.


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Could you help out by volunteering at MI in London? Could you offer supervision, talk about how MI has been useful in your role or lead a learning exercise? Please get in touch.



I'm a member of the research team at the Tilda Goldberg Centre. They thought I might be interested in your peer led MI group in London, and they were absolutely right!



The trainer had alot of knowledge around Zoom which made training online
alot better! Plenty of slide shows, videos, discussions and break out rooms to mix it up.



John was very informative and professional, he had a lot of resources which were very helpful.


Get in touch today to book your motivational interviewing training in the uk or online anywhere

Phone: 0208 133 6446 / Skype: MotivationalinterviewinginLondon

Motivational Interviewing Training in London and across the United Kingdom

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